Schema della sezione

  • Sintaxa- obiectul de studiu. Structura CV-ului.

    Syntax- the object of study. Structure of CV.

    • Syntax is the part of grammar that studies the arrangement of words in sentences, clauses, and phrases, the formation of sentences and the relationship of their component parts.

    • In urmatorul material gasiti in introducere (pag.1-8) o imagine generala asupra naturii limbei engleza cu referire la aspectul sintactic.

    • Curriculum Vitae (CV) are used by many people as a tool to promote and describe their academic, training and professional accomplishments when applying for a job, further study etc

    • As many different CV formats are available and used by people in various countries, the Europass CV has been developed so that there is a standard CV format people can use to detail their qualifications and skills in a straightforward and understandable manner.