
    • Exam Subjects
      1. Philosophy and its main categories and problems
      a. Definition of Philosophy
      b. The main branches of Philosophy
      c. Epistemology or scientifical overview
      d. Philosophy as a process or activity
      e. The mythlogical world picture
      f. The religious world picture
      2. The origin of philosophical thought in Ancient indian Ph and Ancient Chinese Ph
      a. The difference between eastern and western world
      b. The Vedic Tradition and its main concepts
      c. The Buddhism – four noble truths
      d. Confucianism
      e. Daoism
      3. Presocratic Ph.
      a. Miletus Ph. Thales, Anaximander and Anaximene... relation between One and Multiple
      b. Parmenide and Heraclitus
      c. Sophistical school
      4. The Golden age of Greek Ph.
      a. Socrate and his dialectical dialog
      b. Plato and his Theory of Ideas
      c. Differences between plato and aristotelian ph.
      d. Aristotel and his Methaphisics
      5. Hellenistic Ph.
      a. Cutural Greek society vs. Hellenistical society
      b. Concept oikumenne and megapollis
      c. Epicurus and his hedonism
      d. Differences between moderate, extremal and social hedonism
      e. Stoicism and main assumptions - congnitiv-behavioral model
      f. Ph. Of skepticism
      g. Cynicism
      6. Medieval and Rennesance Ph
      a. Religious overview
      b. Science vs. Religious model of perception
      c. Theological issues
      d. Aurelius Augustin
      e. Renesance and the art
      f. Machiavelli N.
      7. Modern Ph
      a. Modern outlook – main keywords
      b. Rationalism vs Empiricism
      c. Francis Bacon,s ph.
      d. Rene Descartes dualism and his method
      e. The theory of Social contract – Roousseau vs Hobes
      8. German classical Ph
      a. Kant I. and his fenomenological world and noumenological world
      b. Kant – a priori vs a posteriori - structure of perceptions
      c. Kant – morrality
      d. Romanticism and the beauty
      e. Hegel – his perception af the dialectial method
      f. Schopenhauer – pessimism and escaping
      9. Contemporary Ph.
      a. Nietzsche,s ph. of life
      b. Nietzsche - appolo vs dionysus
      c. Nietzsche – the Horrizon
      d. Nietzsche – Slave vs. Master morality
      e. Nietzsche – Overman
      f. Ph. of Marx – comunism and alienation
      g. Existentialism – ph. of absurd
      10. Ontology/Methaphisics - the concept of existence
      11. The Human subject in the horizon of culture and civilization