Opțiuni înscriere

European Standards and Institutional Practices of Family and Child’s Rights Protection - Standarde europene și practici instituționale de protecție a familiei și copiilor
Semestrul II

General presentation:


Family and child’s rights protection represent a priority of the State as well as civil society, being a topic of basic relevance to ensure go governance. The subject should be approached properly not only by legal professionals, but also by students who can have access in the field. Also, family relationships are part of the lives of both teachers and students, master's students, who can share their life experience. Therefore, the proposed course offers an opportunity to synergically combine professional and personal life, through the lens of specialised knowledge in children’s rights in their theoretical as well as practical dimensions.

The International and European legal and policy frameworks represent the contextual pillars to promote and develop a culture of family and child’s rights protection.

Thus, the course firstly gives the opportunity to study the development of children’s rights under international human rights law, with a focus on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This entails to consider the standards and mechanisms provided for in the UNCRC and its optional protocols, in order to determine the principal strengths and weaknesses of this instrument and the major challenges to its implementation at the national level. Reflections are also made on how the UNCRC has impacted on the development of child rights protection at the regional and national levels. Accordingly, the course devotes specific attention to the European legal and policy frameworks that have developed in relation to children’s rights.

The Council of Europe and the European Union are considered in order to study the development of European law relating to children’s rights in pertinent areas of concern.

These include: equality and non-discrimination; personal identity; family life; alternative care to family care & adoption; civil rights and freedoms; economic, social and cultural rights; violence against children; migration and asylum; deprivation of liberty. Selected issues within these areas are addressed in different units of the course.

The course European Standards and Institutional Practices for the Protection of the Family and Children aims to deepen and expand Master students’ understanding of the aforementioned children’s rights.

The given field is oriented so that, through theoretical and practical activities, the master's students obtain in-depth practical skills regarding the European standards for the protection of the family and children based on both the regulations in the field of current interest, expert studies, and based on the analysis judicial practice.

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