Opțiuni înscriere

Gestiunea Finantelor Publice (ENG) /Public Finance Management
Anul II

The purpose of the course "Management of public finances" is theoretical training and training of practical skills in the field of methods and techniques of management of public financial funds and, in particular, the state budget system.
The object of study of the discipline "Management of public finances" represents the economic relations whose substantiality consists in the formation, distribution and use of state funds in order to discipline its functions and tasks.
Skills formed:
1. Operating with concepts, theories, methods, fundamental instruments of economic-financial nature in carrying out professional tasks in public and private entities.
2. Collection of data, information, processing and interpretation for solving financial problems, development of plans, budgets and preparation of financial and fiscal reports in public and private entities.
3. Execution of their decisions, budgets and financial plans within public and private entities.

Autoînscriere (Student)
Autoînscriere (Student)