- Teacher: Oxana Bashirov
- Teacher: Galina Ciudin
- Teacher: Galina Ciudin
The course "Economic Mathematics" includes several sections of mathematics, such as: systems of linear equations, vectors in the plane and in space, linear spaces, linear programming and transportation problems, functions of several variables, differential equations, frequently used to the solution of various economic problems. The course serves as theoretical, methodological and applied support for various subjects included in the curricula of economic specialties. It is directed towards the development of methods for solving economic problems.
Apart from providing the future specialist in economics with an effective study tool and development of different models, the "Economic Mathematics" course will form skills to judge logically, to analyze various situations and to argue decisions, to clearly and correctly formulate problems, to propose various methods for their solution.
Teoria probabilităţilor şi statistica matematică se aplică în majoritatea domeniilor ştiinţei, începând cu ştiinţele exacte şi inginereşti şi finalizând cu ştiinţele socio-economice, în special acolo unde există condiţii de risc şi incertitudine şi unde este necesară adoptarea unor decizii riguros argumentate.